Combining JetStream with GCE delivers disaster recovery, ransomware resilience, and business continuity in one scalable solution
Combining the Google Compute Engine (GCE) DR off-host Persistent Disk Asynchronous Replication (AsyncPD) with JetStream Disaster Recovery Orchestration enables businesses to seamlessly perform Disaster Recovery in the case of regional or severe zonal failure. JetStream Disaster Recovery Orchestrates all DR operations: start protection and status monitoring, failover, test failover and failback.
JetStream handles all VM runtime configuration changes and ongoing replication status. GCE and JetStream together deliver near-zero RPO and near-zero RTO. GCE Disaster Recovery can be used for both planned maintenance and for any unexpected outages. JetStream is seamlessly integrated with the Google Cloud Platform and is available through the Google Marketplace.
Failover orchestration substantially reduces RTO making recovery reliable and automated.
Automation for start protection of independent and dependent Virtual Machines, replication and VM run-time configuration change monitoring, failover, test failover and failback.
Near-Zero recovery point objective in the case of a disaster scenario for independent and any group of dependent VMs.
Available from GCP Marketplace with Integrated Billing
Boot order, VM’s properties and network configuration
Easily scale out protection from hundreds to thousands of VMs
Manages start protection, failover, test failover and failback procedures of independent and dependent VMs
Manages runtime VM instances configuration changes
Continuously monitoring replication status to ensure data protection
Subscribe to JetStream for GCE Disaster Recovery Orchestration from the Google Cloud Marketplace.
Download the software and install its Management Site portal. The Management Site is an independent software application that coordinates the asynchronous replication functions of GCE to protect and manage VM disaster recovery from a central dashboard.
Once installed, prepare your infrastructure for deployment and grant access permissions to selected projects for protection.
From the Management Site, deploy Asynchronous Replication Orchestration Virtual Appliances (“AROVA”) for protected region pairs.
The AROVA is a virtual appliance that coordinates the actions of GCE asynchronous replication to manage disk and VM recovery from catastrophic partial zonal, zonal, and regional failures.
After AROVA has been deployed, Protected Domains can be created. A Protected Domain is a failover and failback unit – it typically represents a multi-VM virtual application. All the VMs of the Domain will be protected and recovered together.
Recovery Groups can also be established to protect dependent VMs that require cross-VM replication consistency.
Runbooks can be created to automatically control the startup and operating characteristics of protected VMs as they are recovered. A runbook is a set of configuration settings that are applied to a group of protected VMs when the Domain is failed over to the recovery site or failed back to the protected site.
Following a disaster, VMs and data can be recovered with failover to a secondary region. The process is automated and because it leverages GCE asynchronous replication, RPO and RTO are minimal.
Protected Domains, Recovery Groups and Runbooks ensure your protected virtual applications will be recovered in tact and restored to operation smoothly.
After the primary region is back online, Protected Domains and Recovery Groups can be failed back from the secondary region where they were recovered.
As with failover, failback is automated and has very low RPO and RTO.