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Failover Times Out Waiting for IP Address

This article applies to all JSDR software versions.


The failover task fails due to a time-out error while waiting for recovery appliances that fail to obtain an IP address. This problem can occur if the RocVA is set up to utilize DHCP and it encounters difficulties obtaining an IP address.

Example showing a timed-out Failover task waiting for an IP address.

RocVAs can be configued using either static or DHCP IP; however, it is imperative for RVMs to us DHCP-assigned IP. Any issue with the DHCP lease may result in failures while performing the following operations: Failover, Failback, Continuous Failover, and Test Failover.


Check if the network segment selected for JetStream appliances has enough DHCP reservations.

  • If the number of DHCP reservations are OK, make sure the MSA can communicate with the Recovery Appliance.
    • MSA and RocVA Appliance communication can be verified using the nmap command:
      nmap -p 32878 <RocVA_IP>.


[root@fs087-msa1 ~]# nmap -p 32878

Starting Nmap 5.51 ( ) at 2023-11-29 16:33 UTC
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.0027s latency).
32878/tcp closed unknown
MAC Address: 00:50:56:A8:9E:6E (VMware)

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 4.74 seconds

MSA and RocVA must be able to communicate via port 32878.
If there are connectivity issues via port 32878, coordinate with your networking team to enable the port.

failed to retrieve internal network IP address of recovery virtual appliance

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