CPT Scripts: Capacity Planning
Execute CPT to perform capacity planning and generate protection plan output files:
- Obtain the CPT script from JetStream Software.
- Edit the cpt_input.yml or cpt_input_lite.yml template file to specify VMs for protection and specific environment details.
- Execute cpt.py calling the cpt_input.yml input file using an appropriate operating mode.
CPT runs at the protected site and performs the following functions:
- Validates the cpt_input.yml or cpt_input_lite.yml input file provided by the user:
- Checks the presence of all declared VMs.
- Verifies VMs exist in no more than one whitelist each.
- Verifies entries in VM whitelists and blacklists do not overlap.
- Checks completeness and validity of parameters specified by the user in the cpt_input.yml or cpt_input_lite.yml file.
- Captures statistics from vCenter and makes recommendations for optimal operation within the environment:
- Total, per protected domain, and per VM IOPS and MBPS.
- Replication Log Store (RLS) capacity and required performance (IOPS and MBPS).
- Required network uplink bandwidth.
- Object store capacity taking into consideration overprovisioning and data growth.
- RocVA scratch disk capacity (comes into play during PITR/Failover/Failback).
- Describes optimal configuration of JetStream DR elements including: DRVA, protected domains, etc. based upon the number of DRVAs and their resources (i.e., CPU and memory). The following rules are used to specify protected domains:
- All VMs of a protected domain must use the same object store.
- All VMs of a protected domain must be protected either by Failover or Continuous Failover mode.
- The total IOPS should be evenly distributed among all protected domains.
- If possible, total storage capacity should be evenly distributed among all protected domains.
- All VMs within a protected domain must have the same priority.
- Higher priority protected domains should use higher bandwidth object stores.
- Generates a “resource recommendation” file to inform the user of settings for optimal performance.
- Generates “resources.txt” file showing current resources consumption of the VMs under consideration and JetDR virtual appliance DRVA (if one exists).
- Generates a Start Protection Plan and optionally, a Start Continuous Failover Plan.