Certificates can be added and managed using the JetStream DR Management Server Appliance (MSA) user interface. Multiple certificates can be managed during the same transaction.

  • To add a certificate:
    1. Navigate to the MSA dialogue window and select the Certificate Management “Click Here option:

Click the Certificate Management link.

    1. Specify a certificate file to add:

Select a certificate to add.

    1. Upload the certificate.
      • The certificate will be added to the transaction list and its state will be changed to "READY_TO_ADD."
      • Additional certificate(s) can be added by clicking the Add button.

Certificate uploaded.

    1. Click the Commit button to finalize all transactions and end the certificate management session. Trusted communication from the MSA will now begin.

Commit the certificate.

Certificate processed.

  • To remove a certificate:
    • Select a certificate from the Certificates window then click the Delete button.
    • Follow the steps to confirm and then commit the deletion.

Delete the selected certificate.

Confirm and commit the deletion.

  • The Reset option resets all staged changes of the session:
    • "READY_TO_ADD" entries will be removed.
    • "READY_TO_DELETE" entries will be reverted to "IN_KEYSTORE."

Reset certificates transactions.