Key advantages of JetStream DR software include:

  • Near-zero Recovery Point Objective (RPO): Instead of capturing snapshots at regular intervals, JetStream DR continuously captures and replicates data as it is written to primary storage, for Continuous Data Protection (CDP).
  • Fast Recovery Time Objective (RTO): VMs and their data can be fully recovered quickly, for a high level of Business Continuity.
  • Data replication to cost-efficient S3-compatible object storage or Azure Blob Storage: Storing VMs and their data in an object store reduces storage costs; also, JetStream DR provides inline data compression and embedded garbage collection to minimize the amount of storage capacity required.
  • Protects all datastore types: JetStream DR captures data through IO Filters that run within vSphere; the underlying datastore can be VMFS, VSAN, vVol, or any HCI platform.
  • Non‐disruptive: JetStream DR has minimal impact on running applications. DR testing does not disrupt the operation of protected applications.
  • Lightweight deployment and simple operation: JetStream DR is deployed to the protected environment from a VMware certified VIB and managed through a vCenter plug‐in appliance.
  • Fault-tolerant replication: Data transfer is resilient to network interruptions, ensuring that VM protection can continue despite interference or interruptions in the network connection to the recovery site.
  • Flexible replication log model: Enabling the replication log in write‐through mode provides economical utilization of on‐premises resources; write‐back mode optimizes performance.
  • Automated runbooks: Define the priority and parameters for multiple types of failover and failback processes.
  • Highly configurable: JetStream DR supports different availability requirements and use cases.
  • Management automation: In addition to the GUI, all administrative operations are accessible via APIs for scripting and automation.