To register JetStream DR software as an Azure application, do the following:

  • Sign into the Azure portal.
  • Search for and select App registrations.

Go to App registrations in Azure portal.

  • On the App registrations screen click New registration.

Create a new registration.

  • Enter the JetStream DR MSA name as the display Name for your application.
    • The display name will be used later to assign the application a role for the Azure Storage Account.
  • Specify the supported account type as "Accounts in this organizational directory only (JetStream Software only - Single tenant)"
  • Click the Register button to complete the initial app registration.

Register the application.

  • After registration finishes, the Azure portal displays the app registration's Overview pane.
    • Record the Application (client) ID. This uniquely identifies the JetStream DR application, and the information will be used later to configure JetStream DR.

The application is registered.

Create a client secret for the registered application.