Alarm Settings
Alarms are notifications that are activated in response to an event, a set of conditions, or the state of an inventory object.
JetStream DR alarms have the following severity levels:
- Info/Normal (or unknown)
- Warning
- Error/Critical
Description |
Status |
vCenter Entity |
Note |
Event Type ID |
Protected domain recovery complete completed |
Info |
Cluster |
Failover, failback or restore of a protected domain is complete. |
RecoveryCompleteEmailEvent |
Protected domain recovery runbook execution failed |
Info |
Cluster |
Runbook execution for a protected domain has failed. |
RunbookFailedEmailEvent |
Test failover ready |
Info |
Cluster |
Test failover of a protected domain is ready for testing. |
TFOReadyEmailEvent |
VM protection cancelled (snapshot) |
Info |
VM |
Protection has been cancelled for a VM. |
VMProtectionCancelledEmailEvent |
DRVA restarted |
Info |
VM |
The service for a DRVA has been restarted. |
DRVARestartedEmailEvent |
Application write backpressure on |
Warning |
Cluster |
Application write backpressure has been applied for a period exceeding 5 consecutive minutes. |
BackpressureDurationExceededEmailEvent |
Bitmap mode warning |
Warning |
Cluster |
Bitmap mode has been applied for a period exceeding 5 consecutive minutes. |
BitmapModeOnDurationExceededEmailEvent |
DRVA network IP not available |
Warning |
Cluster |
DRVANetworkIPMissingEmailEvent |
DR store degraded in multi-pathing mode |
Warning |
Cluster |
DRStoreDegradedEmailEvent |
Failback interrupted due to issue at failover site |
Warning |
Cluster |
The failover site could not be stopped during the final stage of the failback process for a protected domain. |
FailbackInterruptedDueToIssueOnFailoverSiteEmailEvent |
Protected domain test failover failed |
Warning |
Cluster |
Test failover of a protected domain has failed. |
TFOFailedEmailEvent |
DRVA high CPU usage |
Warning |
VM |
DRVAHighCPUUsageDurationExceededEmailEvent |
DRVA high memory usage |
Warning |
VM |
DRVAHighMemoryUsageDurationExceededEmailEvent |
DRVA replication log reserved space running low |
Warning |
VM |
DRVALoggerVolLowReserveEmailEvent |
Protected domain recovery failure |
Error |
Cluster |
Failover, failback or restore of a protected domain has failed. |
RecoveryFailedEmailEvent |
DR store unavailable |
Error |
VM |
The DR store (replication log) for a DRVA is unavailable. |
DRStoreUnavailableEmailEvent |
DR store IO error |
Error |
VM |
The DR store has an IO error. |
DRStoreIOErrorEmailEvent |
DRVA unreachable |
Error |
VM |
The DRVA VM has been unreachable for a period exceeding 5 consecutive minutes. |
DRVAUnreachableDurationExceededEmailEvent |
JetStream DR alarms.
Note: Email alert notifications can be configured to inform the administrator when certain activities have occurred on the system.
Before alert notifications can be used, email service must be set up.