Additional information about protected VMs:

VM Operation


Disk configuration of protected VMs cannot be changed.

The disk configuration of VMs CANNOT be changed while they are being protected*.

If it is necessary to change disk configuration, first stop protection, make configuration changes, then restart protection.

(* Except for expanding the size of virtual disks – see below.) 

Disks of protected VMs can be expanded.

The size of virtual disks CAN be expanded while they are being protected.

Full VM clones can be created but are not protected automatically.

Full clones CAN be created from protected VMs. While full clones are being created, data replication of the protected VMs will continue without interruption.

After full cloning is complete, a cloned VM will have a JetStream storage policy attached, but it will be running in bypass mode. To enable protection of the cloned VM, first remove the JetStream storage policy from the cloned VM’s disk(s) through vCenter, then add the cloned VM to the protected domain through the JetStream GUI.

FT cannot be used on protected VMs.

FT (fault tolerance) of protected VMs is NOT supported.

Information about protected VMs.