• Protection cannot be started and stopped for VM that has snapshots or non-consolidated disks. This is a VMware VAIO API limitation. JetStream DR rejects attempts to start or stop protection for such VMs. Snapshots can be created and deleted while VM is protected.Note: non-consolidated disks without snapshots might not be visible in vCenter UI. It is vCenter UI limitation.
  • Reverting to a snapshot of a protected VM will cancel protection. JetStream DR does not automatically restart protection. This condition will be indicated in the user interface. However, the storage policy is not automatically detached, requiring the user to manually stop and restart protection (which can be done through the user interface). This behavior is subject to change in future releases.
  • Adding a disk with an existing snapshot as dependent to an already protected VM is not supported. This is a VMware VAIO API limitation. As a result, the newly added snapshot disk is not protected but the affected VM is still protected with its original disks. Protection status for the newly added disk is shown as Cancelled in JetStream DR UI.