JetStream DR software is compatible with the following versions of VMware software:

JetStream DR Version

vSphere Version

ESXi Version

4.1.20 Build 565

vSphere 7.0 / vCenter 7.0:
U3c (build 19234570) and above

ESXi 7.0:
U3c (build 19193900) and above

4.1.18 Build 522

vSphere 7.0 / vCenter 7.0:
U3c (build 19234570) and above

ESXi 7.0:
U3c (build 19193900) and above

4.1.16 Build 510

vSphere 7.0 / vCenter 7.0:
U3c (build 19234570) and above

ESXi 7.0:
U3c (build 19193900) and above

4.1.14 Build 497

vSphere 7.0 / vCenter 7.0:
U3c (build 19234570) and above

ESXi 7.0:
U3c (build 19193900) and above

4.1.12 Build 497

vSphere 7.0 / vCenter 7.0:
U3c (build 19234570) and above

ESXi 7.0:
U3c (build 19193900) and above

4.1.10 Build 491

vSphere 7.0 / vCenter 7.0:
U3c (build 19234570) and above

ESXi 7.0:
U3c (build 19193900) and above

4.1.8 Build 489

vSphere 7.0 / vCenter 7.0:
U3c (build 19234570) and above

ESXi 7.0:
U3c (build 19193900) and above