• Backup/restore can be used to recover failed/corrupted VMs, make VM copies for testing purposes, and more.
    • After restoring, the original VM may continue to exist – in such case JetStream DR continues protection of the original VM and will not start protection for the new one automatically.
  • A restored VM will already have the JetStream DR IO Filter attached because restored backups retain the original storage policy.
    • Certain snapshot and vMotion operations or attempts to start protection of such VMs may fail because the IO Filter is already attached.
      • If protection of the restored VM is necessary, change the storage policy to an appropriate non-JetStream DR one using vCenter, then start protection. Refer to the VMware KB article: Change Storage Policy Assignment for Virtual Machine Files and Disks Change Storage Policy Assignment for Virtual Machine Files and Disks [https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-vSphere/7.0/com.vmware.vsphere.storage.doc/GUID-D6A099C5-8F80-474C-A79A-64F5EC4455DA.html].
    • If a restored VM will be used for testing purposes and does not need to be protected, it can be used as-is without removing the IO Filter.