JetStream Software Portal

Discrepancy Between Reported Amount of Blob Storage Utilization

Discrepancy may exist between the reported amount of blob storage space utilized by JetStream DR and Azure portal. The following example shows the JetStream DR UI reporting 271KB of used space while Azure portal reports 41.2TB.

Usage report from the JetStream DR UI.
Usage report from the Azure Portal storage account.


  • Validate and ensure Azure soft delete functionality is enabled for the blob storage account.
    • When enabled, soft delete retains deleted data according to a designated retention period.
  • From the JetStream DR interface, data is reported in compressed form reflecting actual data after replication and garbage collection deletions.
  • JetStream DR lacks visibility or accountability regarding data headers managed by Azure blob data protection features.
  • The Jetstream DR UI indicates utilized blob space on a per-instance basis.
    • For example, if the same blob storage is utilized across multiple JetStream DR protected sites, each JetStream DR instance will only display its own individual amount of usage, rather than indicating the combined usage of all sites contributing to the blob store.

The JetStream DR report on blob usage may not align perfectly with the usage data from Azure blob storage. The difference can be attributed to soft-delete settings (retention dates), which are accounted for by Azure blob storage only. JetStream DR does not report any additional storage consumed by Azure blob data protection features in its calculations.

If the trend of blob storage usage is increasing significantly, it is advisable to decrease the soft delete retention period for blobs/containers.

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