Jetstream DR version 4.3.x utilizes two-factor authentication as an additional layer of security to access the DRVA console/SSH. This guide provides steps to generate the one-time password (OTP) required after logging in with admin credentials.
Access DRVA Console/SSH
Login with Admin Credentials
- Access the DRVA Login Page:
- Open a web browser and navigate to the DRVA login page.
- Enter the admin credentials then click Login.
- OTP Prompt:
- After successfully entering admin credentials, a prompt will appear requesting the OTP.
Generate the OTP
Method 1: Using Postman or any REST API Client
- Open Postman (or any preferred REST API Client).
- Send a GET request to retrieve the OTP:
GET https://:32878/drva/system/security
- Add Required Headers (Using Postman):
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
x-jetdr-ms-session-id: JetStreamSessionId
Example using Postman:
- Method: GET
- URL: https://:32878/drva/system/security
- Headers (must be added under the Header section):
Key: Content-Type, Value: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Key: x-jetdr-ms-session-id, Value: JetStreamSessionId
Method 2: Using the curl Command from the MSA
As an alternative to Method 1 described above, the OTP can be generated directly from the MSA using the curl command:
- Open the MSA Terminal.
- Run the following curl command with the DRVA IP:
curl -k -o- -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -H "x-jetdr-ms-session-id: JetStreamSessionId" https://:32878/drva/system/security
- For RVM use the command:
curl -k -H "x-jetdr-ms-session-id: cli-id" https://:32878/drva/system/security
Apply the OTP
After the OPT has been generated, retrieve and then apply it to access the DRVA console.
- Locate the errMessage value in the response:
- The value corresponding to errMessage is the OTP.
- The following examples illustrate an OTP value of 188182.