JetStream Software Portal

AVS Subscription Fails

The article applies to JSDR for AVS.


When subscribing to JetStream DR for AVS, you are asked to complete the process by clicking the button Configure account now. However, the following page cannot be reached and the subscription is not completed.


The problem is likely caused by a network or connection problem. To troubleshoot:

  1. Open a new browser session and try to manually connect to the subscription server located at:
    • Sign in to the server using the same Microsoft credentials as the user attempting to subscribe to JetStream DR for AVS.
  2. A Welcome screen should appear (but without a software license associated with it).
    • This confirms the network connection between your location and the subscription server is functional.
    • If you are unable to see the screen, there is likely a connection problem or the correct credentials were not used to log in.
      • The problem must be resolved before you can subscribe to JetStream DR for AVS.
      • If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact Microsoft support for further assistance.
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