JetStream Software Portal

Collect JetStream DR Support Logs

This article applies to all product versions.

vCenter server and MSA logs are needed to investigate all JetDR software related issues. Here is how to collect and download support logs for troubleshooting JetStream DR software.

vCenter Server Logs

Refer to the following articles to collect vCenter server logs (vCenter Support Bundle).

VMware Article:
Collecting diagnostic information for ESX/ESXi hosts and vCenter Server using the vSphere Web Client

JetStream Software Article:
Download vCenter Support Bundle

MSA Logs

GUI Option

MSA logs are collected directly from the JetStream DR Management Server Appliance (MSA) user interface.

  1. Access the MSA appliance using a browser.
  2. The MSA will show registered vCenter server details.
  3. Select the Click here link on the line “To collect MS support log…”

  4. The system will generate an MS support log file and then present a download option.
  5. Click the Download button.

Command Line Interface Option

MSA support logs can also be downloaded from the command line interface (CLI).

  1. Log in to the MSA applicance console.
  2. Run the command: jetdr ms --support.
  3. A support bundle will be generated and can be accessed from the directory /var/lib/vme2/sub/.

RocVA Logs

Typically, RocVA logs are included as a part of the MSA support bundle; however, in a few scenarios RocVA logs will not be captured by the MSA support bundle. Follow the below steps to manually download RocVA logs.

Note: A private key (id_rsa_appliance) is needed for a passwordless login. The key can be provided by JetStream Support.

  1. SSH to the RocVA VM.
  2. Log in as root then execute the command:
    journalctl -a | lz4 > /tmp/rocva.log.lz4
  3. The log file rocva.log.lz4 will be generated in the tmp directory.
  4. Log in to the RocVA VM using WINSCP.
  5. Download the log file.

cd /tmp
[root@rocva-live | | tmp]$ ls -ltrh
total 2.2M
drwx------. 2 root root 40 Dec 29 11:59 vmware-root_689-4021587913
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 2.2M Jan 3 08:04 rocva.log.lz4

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