JetStream Software Portal

Creating Snapshot of a Protected VM Fails

This article applies to all JSDR software versions.


Creating a snapshot of a JetStream DR protected VM fails. This may occur when attempting to take snapshots using any backup method (VMware or 3rd party).


Problems taking snapshots of protected VMs can occur because of multiple reasons. Here are some common causes and recommendations:

  • DRVA VM Not Reachable
    • To ensure the seamless execution of snapshot activities, the DRVA must be operational.
    • If the DRVA is inactive, unreachable, or in a hung state, the creation of snapshots will likely fail for all virtual machines within the protected domain associated with the DRVA.
  • Communication Problem Between IO Filter and DRVA
    • Ensure communication between the host IO Filter and DRVA is properly configured and working.
  • Disk in Inconsistent State
    • Check if any snapshots are already present for the virtual machine. Snapshots can sometimes cause disk state inconsistencies.
    • Consolidate or delete unnecessary snapshots. Snapshots are not meant to be kept for an extended period, as this can lead to performance issues and disk space problems.
  • Multiple Snapshots in Progress
    • If multiple snapshots are conducted simultaneously on the same virtual machine, snapshot creation may fail.
    • Check the VM for multiple snapshot tasks in operation and stop redundant jobs.
  • Broken Chain
    • A broken chain may occur if there are pre-existing snapshots or if a previous snapshot deletion failed.
    • Consolidate the disks of the virtual machine and then try again.
  • Incompatible Automated Task
    • If the automated snapshot capture fails during a backup job using Veeam or Commvault on a JetStream DR protected VM, attempt to manually create a VMware snapshot.
    • If the manual snapshot is successful, it may be caused by the 3rd party software. Contact the backup vendor for further details and assistance.

No limitations are imposed on the operation or type of backup software that can be used on VMs being protected by JetStream DR software.

For additional information refer to the article: Troubleshooting DRVA Network/Port Connectivity

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