JetStream Software Portal

Error Reported During Configuration of New Cluster

This article applies to all JSDR software versions.


During cluster configuration, a task failure may be reported. Despite the warning message, the cluster still appears under the JetStream DR configured clusters section but with an error status.


  1. View the Host Details of the configured cluster under the Configurations tab of the JetStream DR UI.

  2. Verify that IO Filter software is installed on all hosts, and confirm their reported status is “OK.”
    • With JetStream DR version 4.2.x and above, the status can be checked from the Health View tab.

  3. If any host has an error status or indicates “No Software,” click its corresponding Resolve Issue link.
    • If operating in the AVS environment, use the Run command: Resolve-Hostissue.
Viewing host details of the configured cluster.
  1. In some cases this task may fail. If so, manually set the host into maintenance mode then try clicking the Resolve Issue link again.
    • If operating in the AVS environment, use the Run command: Resolve-Hostissue.

  2. If the above step fails, log into the CLI of the problematic host and verify if the VIB has been installed using the command: esxcli software vib list | grep jet

In AVS environments, additional assistance is required from Microsoft Support to obtain this information.

  1. If the VIB is confirmed to have been installed, reboot the host and then check its status again.
    • If the VIB has not been installed, the VIB will need to be manually installed on the host.
Manually install the VIB on the host via CLI.
  1. When the host is rebooted, the IO Filter will be installed.
    • Validate the status of the host under JeststremDR > Configurations > (Host) Details.
Validate the status of the host.
  1. The status of the configured cluster should also be reported “OK.”
    • If the status is not reported “OK,” select the cluster then click the Resolve Configure Issue button.
Click the Resolve Configure Issue button.
  1. If the above step is unsuccessful, mouse over the Warning/Error status for a summary of the problem.
    • Click the (Host) Details link of the problematic cluster, then from the Host Details screen click the Show Host Errors button for a detailed description.
    • Rebooting hosts listed in this section may help resolve cluster issues.
Click the Show Host Errors button.

In AVS environments use the Run command Resolve-ClusterIssue to resolve issues with the configured cluster.

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