The failover operation may fail and report the error “Failed to start Protected Domain recovery.“

1. If the RocVA cannot establish a connection with object storage, the recovery task will fail. The following example from an MSA support bundle illustrates the problem:
Jan 26 10:43:41 rocva-live Receiver[912]: JSS:OC:operator()(137): Azure op:BktExists, URI, bkt:jetdr-dom-8cbb69f8-b9d1-11ee-a079-005056985a70-1706002015554, obj:,status code: 0, Reason '' Fail to get a new connection for: Couldn't resolve host name
Jan 26 10:43:41 rocva-live Receiver[912]: JSS:OC:FioCStorOpenChannel(228): HeadBucket jetdr-dom-8cbb69f8-b9d1-11ee-a079-005056985a70-1706002015554 failed. Status 1. Check network, account credentials, and bucket presence
Jan 26 10:43:41 rocva-live Receiver[912]: JSS:ROCVA:ocRecoveryStart(291): Unable to open bucket jetdr-dom-8cbb69f8-b9d1-11ee-a079-005056985a70-1706002015554. Check credentials and network state.
Jan 26 10:43:41 rocva-live Receiver[912]: JSS:ROCVA:FioSetRecoveryStateUnderLock(712): Switching recovery state from STARTING to ABORTED (abortReason OBJECT_STORE_UNREACHABLE).
2. Failure events can be observed from the vCenter task list:

3. Validate network connectivity between the RocVA and object storage and address any identified underlying issues.