The following error may be encountered during test failover: “Failed to pause GC for Protected Domain on the site doing replication”
This problem can occur when the DRVA hosting the protected domain has connectivity issues with the object store. The issue can also occur if the DRVA at the primary site is not operational.

Checking the jss-task.log file shows details about the error:
2023-12-04 13:46:10,341 ERROR [Thread-48] (TestFailoverProtectedDomainTask:892) |105|Domain-1|running|waitingForReplicatingSiteResponse| Preparation for Test Failover not successful on Replicating Site. errorCode=1550, errorMsg=Failed to pause GC for Protected Domain on the site doing replication. Please verify the state of Protected Domain.
2023-12-04 13:46:10,353 ERROR [Thread-48] (UserTask:516) Task error: |105|Domain-1|error|waitingForReplicatingSiteResponse|
In the JetStream DR UI:
- Check to ensure the the primary site protected domain replication status is green.
- Verify the DRVA is up and running.
- If the DRVA is running without any problems but test failover still fails, check network connectivity between the DRVA and object store.