
BT is launched using the command: cloud_stor_perf_testcli. Below is a list of available options:

[root@bw-tester ~]# cloud_stor_perf_testcli -h

JSS:PLATFORM:opt_help_common(258):      -h / --help [option name]

JSS:PLATFORM:opt_help_common(258):      -t / --objStorType <S3|Azure>

JSS:PLATFORM:opt_help_common(258):      -a / --accessKey <key>

JSS:PLATFORM:opt_help_common(258):      -s / --secretKey <key>

JSS:PLATFORM:opt_help_common(258):      --applicationId <Id>

JSS:PLATFORM:opt_help_common(258):      --tenantId <Id>

JSS:PLATFORM:opt_help_common(258):      -e / --endPoint <ip:port>

JSS:PLATFORM:opt_help_common(258):      -r / --bktRegion <region>

JSS:PLATFORM:opt_help_common(258):      -b / --bktName <name>

JSS:PLATFORM:opt_help_common(258):      -p / --protocol <http|https>

JSS:PLATFORM:opt_help_common(258):      -c / --concurrentThreads <1-32> : DEPRECATED

JSS:PLATFORM:opt_help_common(258):      -m / --memoryBuffers <1-128>

JSS:PLATFORM:opt_help_common(258):      -n / --numObjsPerIter <100-UINT64_MAX>

JSS:PLATFORM:opt_help_common(258):      -l / --bufLenBytes

JSS:PLATFORM:opt_help_common(258):      -x / --maxIter <1-UINT64_MAX>

JSS:PLATFORM:opt_help_common(258):      -d / --md5sumEnable

Press Ctrl + C to exit the utility

[root@bw-tester ~]#


  • The utility expects the input bucket to be present on the object store. This requirement is because the JetStream DR cloudAdapter module expects the bucket to have been created by the management server.

IMPORTANT: DO NOT use any bucket that belongs to the production domain. Dummy data will be generated during testing which may lead to data corruption in the production domain.

  • The OVA from which the utility is distributed is configured to use DHCP.
  • The utility does not perform compression or decompression of objects. This is to prevent the impact of (de)compression on object size & upload/download time which skews the performance measurement.
  • -a / --accessKey represents the blob storage account name.
  • -s / --secretKey represents the application secret value.
  • For AAD (Azure Active Directory) based authentication, --applicationId and --tenantId  parameters are required (available only in JSDR 4.x).
    • --applicationId represents the ID of the application registered with AAD.
    • --tenantId represents the unique ID of the AAD instance for the organization/domain.
  • -b / --bktName <name> represents the name of bucket/container to use.
    (Create a bucket/container with the name ‘jetdr-perf-test-bucket’ to prevent accidentally running BT on production buckets/containers.)
  • -c / --concurrentThreads should ideally be set to the number of cores available in the VM (default 2).
    (This option was deprecated in JSDR 4.0. The tool issues all object puts and gets asynchronously.)
  • -m / --memoryBuffers specifies the number of object buffers created (default 32) that are shared by all threads.
  • -n / --numObjsPerIter specifies the number of objects uploaded and downloaded in each iteration.
  • -l / --bufLenBytes specifies the size of the object buffer in bytes (default 4MB).
  • -x / --maxIter specifies the number of iterations to run after which the tool will automatically exit (default 10) (available only in 4.0).
  • -d / --md5sumEnable enables md5sum verification of object content on object put and get. This is disabled by default to minimize performance impact (available only in 4.0).