CPT Scripts: General Information
General information about working with CPT scripts:
- CPT scripts are written in Python and can be executed from the command-line or terminal.
- Python version: >= 3.6
- Required Python Modules: jsonschema, requests, paramiko, pyvmomi, urllib3, pyyaml, boto3, minio, azure-storage-blob
- CPT must be able to access vCenter.
- CPT works on a per-cluster level.
- An Azure subscription ID must be configured if Azure Blob Object storage will be used.
- The following helper libraries are used by CPT:
- cpt_lib.py: CPT related helper functions
- ms_rest_api_lib.py: MS REST API
- vcenter_lib.py: vCenter-related helper functions
- yaml_writer.py: Helper class for emitting YAML structures