CPT Scripts for Planning
CPT can be run in the actual production environment or a comparable test environment for planning purposes.
NOTE: JetStream DR software does not need to be installed prior to running CPT.
- If the vSphere statistics level is left at its default setting (level 1), CPT will only collect the most recent one hour of data.
- It is highly recommended before running CPT, the vSphere statistics level be adjusted accordingly in vCenter to collect an adequate amount of report data (this may require additional "Performance.ModifyIntervals" privilege by the user):
- Using vSphere Client, navigate to the vCenter instance and adjust the statistics level:
- Select the Configure tab.
- Under Settings, select General.
- Click Edit and then Statistics.
- Change Statistics Level to 3.
- Collect data from running VMs for an adequate amount of time to generate enough statistics for resource estimation.