Using validateEnv
This file can be used at any time – including prior to the installation of JetStream DR software.
- Validate Environment is executed from the command line or terminal using the command
- It takes data from the following as input:
- vCenter Server hostname and credentials
- cluster name
- Object store details
- mode
Syntax [-h] [--version] [--license] [--doc] [-f DATAFILE] [-rs] [-d DNS] [--msa-fqdn MSAFQDN] [--msa-ip MSAIP] [-c CLUSTER] [-vf VCFQDN] [-vi VCIP] [-vu VCUSER] [-vp VCPASSWD] [-o OUTPUTDIR] [--obj-type OSTYPE] [--obj-uri OSURI] [--obj-uri-ip OSURIIP] [--obj-port OSPORT] [--obj-bandwidth-test] [--obj-access-key OSACCESSKEY] [--obj-secret-key OSSECRETKEY] [--drvas DRVAS] (--pre-install | --post-install)
- The tool can be run in two modes, --pre-install and --post-install.
- If the tool is run at the recovery site, --recovery-site input needs to be provided.
- Inputs for the script can provided via the CLI (as shown) or they can be uploaded via a specialized MS Excel spreadsheet.
- If no input is provided during invocation, the tool will run in an interactive mode requiring the user to supply necessary information one step at a time.
Usage Example
[admin@fs123-COSbld ~]$ -h
usage: validateEnv [-h] [--version] [--license] [--doc] [-f DATAFILE] [-rs] [-d DNS] [--msa-fqdn MSAFQDN] [--msa-ip MSAIP] [-c CLUSTER] [-vf VCFQDN] [-vi VCIP] [-vu VCUSER] [-vp VCPASSWD]
[-o OUTPUTDIR] [--obj-type OSTYPE] [--obj-uri OSURI] [--obj-uri-ip OSURIIP] [--obj-port OSPORT] [--obj-bandwidth-test] [--obj-access-key OSACCESSKEY]
[--obj-secret-key OSSECRETKEY] [--drvas DRVAS] (--pre-install | --post-install)
Pre and post install environment validator script for jetStream DR components
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version Print version and exit
--license Print license and exit
--doc Write documentation and exit
Pre-formatted MS EXCEL sheet with all the input data
-rs, --recovery-site Use recovery site details from pre-formatted MS EXCEL sheet
-d DNS, --dns DNS Comma separated DNS IP/FQDNs for MSA
--msa-ip MSAIP MSA IP
-c CLUSTER, --cluster CLUSTER
Name of the cluster containing VMs to be protected
-vf VCFQDN, --vc-fqdn VCFQDN
vCenter FQDN
-vi VCIP, --vc-ip VCIP
vCenter IP
-vu VCUSER, --vc-user VCUSER
vCenter username
-vp VCPASSWD, --vc-passwd VCPASSWD
vCenter password. If the input is not provided, then the script will prompt for the vCenter password
-o OUTPUTDIR, --output-dir OUTPUTDIR
Directory where output files are saved
--obj-type OSTYPE Object store type, S3 or Azure
--obj-uri OSURI Azure blob storage account name or URL of the object store
--obj-uri-ip OSURIIP Azure blob storage IP or object store IP as resolved by DNS
--obj-port OSPORT Port to connect to the object store
--obj-bandwidth-test Run the bandwidth test against default bucket in object store
--obj-access-key OSACCESSKEY
Object store access key or Azure blob storage account key
--obj-secret-key OSSECRETKEY
S3 type object store secret key
--drvas DRVAS Comma separated drva names, e.g DRVA1,DRVA2
--pre-install Execute validate script in JetDR pre-install mode
--post-install Execute validate script in JetDR post-install mode
[admin@fs123-COSbld ~]$
Operation Examples