JetStream DR for AVS can be configured to use Azure Active Directory (AAD) for enhanced authentication with Azure storage accounts. This requires JetStream DR to be registered in AAD as an application. 

The AAD Application ID and Secret Key are used to access the storage account instead of an Access Key. Once JetStream DR has been registered in Azure AAD, the Azure storage account will be configured to grant JetStream DR virtual appliances access to the Blob storage with the required role. The following are required to use Active Directory authentication with JetStream DR software:

  • Azure Active Directory Tenant ID (Identifies the AAD Directory to use for authentication)
  • Application ID (Uniquely identifies the JetStream DR application)
  • Application Secret Value (Authenticates JetStream DR to AAD)

Important: The Application ID and Application Secret Key values should be unique for each site accessing the Azure storage account.

Note: These steps illustrate setup for one site only. Actual configuration requires repeating the steps for each site requiring access to the Azure storage account (e.g., primary site and recovery site).

Do the following to configure Azure Active Directory:

Register JetStream DR as an Azure Application

Create a Client Secret for the Registered Application