Do not protect the vCenter Server or utility VMs created by vCenter (e.g., names starting with “vCLS”).
Do not change a protected VM’s virtual disk configuration (e.g., provisioning, base policy, placement, etc., except for disk size). Configuration changes will be ignored or may lead to unintended consequences, such as stopping protection. If it is necessary to change virtual disk configuration, stop protection, make configuration changes, then restart protection. The only exception is the size of virtual disks under protection can be increased.
Do not change the VM storage controller type after starting protection. This can result in the cancellation of VM replication. Workaround: Unprotect the VM, modify the controller type, then re-protect the VM. (DRBC8261)
Full VM clones of protected VMs can be created but are not protected automatically. While full clones are being created, data replication of the protected VMs will continue without interruption. After full cloning is complete, a cloned VM will have a JetStream DR storage policy attached to it, but it will be running in bypass mode. To enable protection of the cloned VM, remove the JetStream DR storage policy from the cloned VM’s disk(s) through vCenter, then add the cloned VM to a protected domain through the JetStream DR GUI.
Do not protect VMs with fault tolerance enabled. Attempts to start protection will be rejected.
Protecting VMs configured with linked-clones is not supported. This is a VMware VAIO API limitation. Attempts to start protection will be rejected. However, JetStream DR does not prevent creating linked clones of protected disks.
Moving a protected VM to a different ESXi cluster is not supported and will break protection. Protected domains are associated with specific ESXi clusters. Prior to migrating a protected VM from one cluster to another, stop protection on the VM. After the VM has been moved to the new cluster it can be added to a protected domain on the destination ESXi cluster.
Do not remove a disk from a protected VM unless the disk has been deleted. If the disk is removed from one VM and later added to another VM, it may cause protected domain failures. This behavior will be addressed in a future release.
Do not unregister a protected VM from the vCenter inventory. Unregistering a VM while it is protected can lead to unexpected behavior on the protected and recovery sites. Workaround: Remove the VM from the domain before unregistering it. (DRBC7496, DRBC7709)
Do not manually add or remove the JetStream DR storage policy in vCenter unless explicitly instructed to do so (i.e., recommended in the Special Events Handling section).