- Protection cannot be started and stopped for VMs that have snapshots or non-consolidated disks. This is a VMware VAIO API limitation. JetStream DR rejects attempts to start or stop protection for such VMs. However, snapshots can be created or deleted for protected VMs.
Important: Non-consolidated disks without snapshots may not be visible in vCenter UI. This is a vCenter UI limitation.
- Reverting to a snapshot of a protected VM restarts VM protection from scratch. All disk content is re-replicated completely after revert. Until new replication completes, recovery will be performed to a "pre-revert" state.
- Adding a disk with an existing snapshot as dependent to an already protected VM is not supported. This is a VMware VAIO API limitation. A newly added snapshotted disk will not be protected but the VM will continue to be protected using its original disks. Protection status of the newly added disk will appear as "Cancelled" in the JetStream DR UI.