This cmdlet is a pre-flight check to validate various things in the environment essential for installing JetStream DR software. This cmdlet checks the following:

  1. The provided cluster name exists in the datacenter.
  2. IO Filter storage providers are online for all hosts in the cluster.
  3. The datastore has enough space to install the JetStream DR MSA VM.
  4. No other VM in the datacenter currently uses the same name as the MSA VM.
  5. The JetStream plugin is not currently registered with the vCenter.

Invoke-PreflightJetDRInstall Run command.

Command Parameters: Invoke-PreflightJetDRInstall


Name of the MSA VM to be deployed. (If left blank, the default name '[email protected]+jetdr' will be used.)


Cluster where the MSA VM will be deployed.


Cluster to be configured for protection. (If multiple configurable clusters are available, select one.)


Datastore to where the MSA VM will be deployed.


Network segment name to be allotted to the MSA VM.