Known Issues
These are conditions and limitations of the current set of JetStream DR for AVS Run commands:
- The Uninstall-JetDR cmdlet, after completing the unregister vCenter task, powers off and then deletes the MSA VM. This action is not currently logged in the Run command output. It is a logging issue only and does not affect performance of the task. This issue will be fixed in a future release. (JSTOOLS-423)
- The Unregister vCenter function does not have a check for success/failure. On rare occasions, the JetStream plugin may still remain registered in vCenter after performing the function. If this occurs, contact JetStream support for help cleaning the plugin from vCenter. (JSTOOLS-429)
- In JSDR.Configuration version 6.0.5, the Enable-JetStreamRESTUser cmdlet takes IOFRestUserName as an input. If any name other than "jetstream" is provided, the Run command will execute but there may be errors in communication. In such case, contact JetStream support for help to resolve the issue.
- The first time the iofrest user is created in vCenter it is necessary for the user to be assigned "Global Permissions" (this is a one-time activity). There is no public API to achieve this, hence it must be done manually with assistance from Microsoft. This issue is being worked on and will be addressed in a future release.