The following three command parameters are common for all cmdlets:

  1. Retain up to: Specifies how many days run execution details should be retained. After crossing the specified retention period, execution details will be deleted from the “Run execution status” record.
  2. Name for execution: Apply a name to identify the cmdlet. The default value or any custom value can be used.
  3. Timeout: Maximum amount of time to allow the cmdlet to run before terminating it. It is advised to leave the default setting which is a maximum of 1 hour (controlled by the Run command agent).

Note: The cmdlets Disable-JetDRForCluster, Uninstall-JetDR, and Update-JetDR can often exceed the 1 hour limit because of the way hosts are processed. When this happens, simply re-run the cmdlet with the Resume option set to 'true'.