If a protected domain exhibits unstable behavior, JetStream DR provides a mechanism to manually stop replication of the domain to minimize DR impact on protected VMs while any underlying issues are resolved.
To disable data replication for a domain:
- Navigate to Protected Domains > Settings.
- Go to the Replication Enabled option and click the Disable link.

- A dialogue message will appear to confirm the action.
- Click the Confirm button.

- After replication is disabled, the setting of the Replication Enabled option becomes “No” and the label of the action link toggles to “Enable.”
- Click the Enable link to restart replication as needed.

- While JSDR domain replication is disabled, RPO of the domain will continue to increase.
- To alert the administrator, the JSDR UI displays a warning banner on the Protected Domains status page. An alert will also be displayed from the Health View tab warning about bitmap mode duration being exceeded.

- The ability to manually control replication of the domain (Replication Enabled option) is not available for remote (recovery side) domains – including imported domains or those running in CFO.